Home-Made Remedies
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Amazing recipes that can be made in your kitchen...
The following are believed remedies for the associated symptoms. Be sure to TEST all products, just in case you are allergic to it. These home-made remedies are not intended to replace your doctor's prescriptions, suggestions, etc... Please check with your physician if you are not sure about anything! These remedies may work for some people, not necessarily all people.

Facial Solutions  |  Hair Solutions  |  Other Solutions


(Basil, water)
Steep 2-3 tsp dried basil leaves in 1c boiling water. Cool and apply with cotton ball
Dry Skin
(Oatmeal, vanilla extract, baking soda, warm water,
blender or food processor)
Combine 1c oatmeal, 1c warm water, 1T vanilla extract, 1/2c baking soda in the blender until smooth. Pour paste under running water while drawing a bath. Sooths dry, itchy skin.
Oily Skin
(cooked oatmeal, egg white,
lemon juice, mashed apple)
Mix 1/2c cooked oatmeal, 1 egg white, 1T lemon juice, and 1/2c mashed apple into a smooth paste. Apply to face and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse well.
 Facial Cleanser
(Cornstarch, glycerin, water,
small pan)
Mix 2T cornstarch, 2T glycerin, 1/2c water until smooth. Heat using small pan that is placed in another (bigger) pan that is full of water. Mixture should become like pudding- thick, but clear. DO NOT BOIL and cool completely. Add 1T water at a time (if it is too thick). Use on face in place of soap.
Wrinkle's & Skin Freshener
(Vodka, fennel seeds, honey, water)
Combine 2T vodka, 1T fennel seeds, and 1.5tsp honey. Stir well and allow mixture to sit for 3 days, then strain. Can be used at full strength, or dilute with 2T water. Apply to face as a toner.
Facial Scrub
(Milk of magnesia, heated olive oil, ice cold witch hazel)
Wash face with warm water and dry. Spread milk of magnesia over face and neck, then elax until it dries thoroughly. Spread another layer of magnesia, dissolving the previous layer. Remove both layers with a damp towel. Apply heated olive oil and remain for five minutes. Use ice cold witch hazel to remove excess oil and leave skin fresh. This magically erases frown lines, re-awakens and preserves face and neck indefinitely. Use twice a week; after a few treatments you will be amazed at the transformation. 


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(apple cider vinegar)
Pour vinegar into hair, massage into scalp, and let dry for a few minutes. Rinse well. Repeat process each day until dandruff disappears (typically a few days)
Damaged, Dry Hair
good for all hair types
(Egg, water)
Seperate egg white and whip it to a peak (think merangue). In a seperate bowl, add 1T water to the yolk and mix that until creamy. Mix the white and the yolk together. Wet your hair with warm water; remove excess water and message mixture into your scalp. Rinse hair with cool hair, then re-apply mixture until gone. Rinse all the egg out of your hair.
Hair Lightener
(Rhubarb, boiling water)
Add 1/4c chopped, fresh rhubarb to 2c boiling water. Cool, strain, and apply as a rinse.

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Drink up to 3 cups of certain teas, particularly Chinese Green Tea, which is famed for getting rid of fat.
Smelly containers
(baking soda, water)
Wash out smelly thermos bottles and cooling bottles with a baking soda and water solution.
Repel rain from windshields
(baking soda, water)
Wipe liberal amounts of baking soda on windshields (inside and out) using a dampened cloth.

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