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  The enormous resources of the internet give you the power to tap into whatever knowledge you seek! Screw the library! Here are some GREAT resources for students, marketers, business people, teachers, investigators,... anybody!  Yes, you can get free, tangible things from the internet. Get free food, samples, software, magazines, shirts, etc... 


IMPORTANT!!! Read about money-making SCAMS on the internet

REAL opportunities on the net 
(& elsewhere)
It is possible to make substantial money off the internet. However, (just as in real life) the amount of money you make reflects your effort. For most people though, it is more enjoyable than real work since you have no boss to regulate you and you can set your own hours. 

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Marketing Co.  |  Mystery Shopping  | Home-based Business
FREE MONEY (grants)  |  Affiliate programs

Marketing Companies
The following marketing companies will pay you to receive e-mails, visit web sites, receive advertisements, etc... (details follow each link). Payment comes in the form of either money or gifts. You won't get rich off of these programs, but it should give you some spare cash and you'll usually save a lot of money with the discounts they offer.

Join the MyPoints Program. Earn free rewards!

MYPOINTS sends you e-mail (periodically or frequently, depending on what you request) that you are expected to respond to if you want to earn points. When you earn enough points, you can use it for rewards such as gift certificates, pre-paid calling cards, video rentals, movie tickets, flyer miles, etc…  The minimum number of points you need to earn before using them is 1,000. If you click the icon, you can get 150 just for signing up!

CYBERGOLD works slightly different, paying you actual money to look at websites and accept e-mail. You can also get great cash-back awards for purchases you make through cybergold.

Join AllAdvantage.com

AllAdvantage.com is a marketing company that will pay you $.50 an hour (up to 15 hours) to surf the web as you already do! The only catch is that you must download this viewbar that will pop up advertisements as you browse. The viewbar is small- only 1 inch of your screen. The program is MLM (Multi-level Marketing) structured, so you can earn money from anyone that you refer to the program! JOIN TODAY! There is a waiting list to download the viewbar!

Gotoworld is exactly the same concept as AllAdvantage.com except you get paid $.40 an hour, for a maximum of $20.00 a month. Also, the software is available to download TODAY.

Mystery Shopping
Mystery shopping can be a fun part-time job with many incentives (free meals, merchandise, etc..) I warn you not to trust the ads you read. Ads can claim up to $60 an hour- but if you calculate the your millage, driving time, and shopping time, it's not all true. Mystery shopping requires time, paperwork, and a love of shopping. Click here to read "A Typical Mystery Shopping Assignment".   Keep in mind that you won't make a lot of money off of these types of programs. Check out these sites for more information and to register to see if mystery shoppers are needed in your area. 

Mystery Shopper's Inc. promises $10/shop, a minimum of 20 shops per week. This is the part-time position. You can also choose a full time position for 100 shops per week.

Mystery Shopper, USA looks like it may be a good company. I'm still checking it out so try it at your own risk.

Mystery Shopping: Reader Recommendations
This bulletin board contains reader recommendations for good & reputable Mystery Shopping companies.

Home-based Business
Are you considering a home-based business? The home- based business industry has really boomed with the popularity of the internet. The internet is a great tool in finding resources and information. The following sites offer home-based business, as well as information to help you. Keep in mind that you should be skeptical at any claims and prepared for hard work. If your mind says "No, there's no way that could be true", TRUST IT. Always investigate the company before you buy any material (ex. a "starter kit", book, report, etc..). If possible, ask the company to send you the names and e-mail address of 15 people that have made substantial money off the program. Personally, I'd advise you to stay AWAY from on-line "Business Opportunity" classifieds. More than 80% of the time, there is some sort of trick in the ads people write.

Small & Home Based Business Links (SHBBL)
This website is rated as one of Lycos's Top 5%. It posts many business opportunities as well as the information you'll need to start your own business. Visit the home page and you will find many GREAT tools to get your business started.

FREE business reports
FREE home-based business reports
Get FREE business opportunity reports from the icemall! Learn how to "Get Rich in Real Estate Investment", "Make Money Selling Scrap", "Achieve Fame and Fortune As A Publisher of a Trade Magazine". Though I can't vouch for the validity of some of these claims, they're FREE REPORTS so they're good for the taking. At the very least, they should give you an idea of the possibilities out there. I say check it out. There are more than 1,000 reports at the icemall.

Free Money (grants)
There are many foundations and programs designed to give away free money (grants). This money does not have to be paid back (unless specified as a loan)- but the least you can do is send a thank-you letter. Insider's NET has posted a few sources for FREE MONEY. These sources are good for needy persons who need help to pay medical bills, education, etc.. There are other catagories available- more than 2,900 sources are available in a little booklet. Insider's NET readers get a special discount of 55% OFF! Click here for more info.

Affiliate Programs
Affiliate programs are for people that have (or can build) interesting websites that generate a lot of traffic. The basic concept is that you post a link to a company (on your website). When one of your readers come a long, they might click on this link. The company will either pay you for a)each page the reader goes through -OR- b)a commision on any purchase that reader makes. This is all possible by "cookie technology". If you are seriously interested in this income opportunity, please click here or e-mail affiliates@insidersnet.iwarp.com RIGHT AWAY! Information is FREE, no fees.


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