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A Few TRUTHS about opportunities advertised on the net...
The following are just a few examples of the most popular money "opportunities" out there.
The only reason why they're so popular is that people tricked into them.

"E-mail processors"
They tell you that all you do is answer e-mails and process orders.... what they don't  tell you is that you are the one who has to get people to order things. The work mostly involves submitting classified ads on line or in published literature. There are many free classified ad sites (see FREE! FREE!) and there is a company that will submit your ad to many of them for free, but you will be competing with hundreds of very similar ads. In other words, your chances of success are very low. And you may even feel guilty about what you do because most of the "companies" that you work for don't sell anything. Your job is to get people to buy the materials (usually 3 pieces of paper in a size 10 envelope- worth anywhere from $9.95 to $30.00) to become what you are. BUT there are legitamate companies that are trying to sell tangible things. Even so, the work is very competitive. Unless you've got great marketing skills, I say look harder.
"Envelope stuffers"
The concept is pretty much similar to the one above. ESPECIALLY if you are answering an ad that reads "Get paid $2 for each envelope". Once again, there are legitamate companies- but read the fine print... and if you're not sure, just ask. Sometimes they'll try to get you to buy a book that tells you how to start an envelope- stuffing business of your own. That may be appealing to you, or it may not be. My advice is to skip reading anything with more than one exclaimation mark (!) after it. Nothing is that amazing. And look for key words, such as "materials", "ads", "unlimited", "income potential". If you're looking for a true envelope-stuffing job with a real company, you have to realize that it's a petty-cash generator, not an INCOME OPPORTUNITY. Also, keep in mind that their ads are generated to seem legitimate. For instance, they may say "free materials" or "materials provided". What this typically means is that the people responding to your classified ads send you a self-addressed, self stamped envelope. Not what you might have expected.
Have you ever gotton an gotton an e-mail claiming that you can get "up to $800,000 in less than a month!" I believe that it's written by a lawyer, or some respectable figure that 'has got to be telling the truth'. According to the chain-letter (that's what it really is- a chain letter) you just send $1 (or $5 in some cases) to a short list of people. These people either: a) include you on their mailing list or b) send you a publication on some worthless information. Then you can add your name to the bottom of the list and mail it to several hundred people. It may have worked in the beginning, but it's based on the honor system and anything like that which targets money-hungry people DOES NOT LAST. You'll be wasting your money and time, trying to mail out those letters. Usually, the letters suggest a mailing list company to you. These are the only people making money.

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