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  Yes, you can get free, tangible things from the internet. Get free food, samples, software, magazines, shirts, etc... 


Search  |  Students  |  BUSINESS  |  Recipies  |  Diet & Nutrition
Fitness & Health  |  Learn Something  |  Etc..

Search, unlike other search engines, where listing is FREE, companies bid for placement under certain keywords. That way, you don't end up with porn when you type in "zoo animals". 

Go2Net MetaCrawler search:

any allphrase 
Want to search, AltaVista, Excite,, Infoseek, LookSmart, Lycos, Thunderstone, Webcrawler and Yahoo! all at ONE TIME? Get more results- if it's on the net, you'll find what you're looking for. (A.K.A.
It's almost like an extensive, on-line magazine. Their motto is "Human Guides. Human Interests", and they really stick to it. They give you a little more than the cold list of websites you get when you use other search engines.

This may be the largest collecting of educational sites that I've ever seen. They have information in every catagory, and their information is sorted by grade level. It has won many prestigious awards and is a very useful site.

Cliff's Notes
Need the cliff's for Aeschylus' Agamemnon but couldn't find it in the book store? Anyone?

Princeton Review's Career Center
Not sure what you want to be when you "grow up"? Find out the reality behind a job before you make it your major. NOTE: first you will have to register (FREE). Then click on "find a job" and type in an occupation you want to read about.

This site for those looking for scholarships. There are many scholarships available; this site requires you to sit through a few surveys- but it's a free service. Everytime a scholarship matches your description, a notice will be e-mailed to you for you to check your fastweb mailbox. For a little variety on your sources, you may want to visit CollegeNET. The site mostly offers university scholarships- and it's a bit more work to find a fitting scholarship.

FREE- Grants for Needy individuals
Insider's NET brings you Grant opportunities for needy individuals. These grants are for medical expenses and welfare, as well as education for orphaned children. There are other types of grants, for more info click here. 

Entrepreneurial Edge Online
This site has articles to explain it all- from business start-ups to marketing, promoting, and growing. It's a great resource for entreprenueurs. This website is also searchable.

UPENN Library- Business Journals
Provides links to other useful business sites- from one of the top business universities in the nation.

Small Business Association
On this government-sponsored site you can find free downloadable software, as well as a long list of articles designed to help you succeed in your small business. 

Small Business Exchange
Brought to you by American Express Small Business Services, this site helps you to get your business started with information about business plans, managemnt, financing, etc..
The information within this site is presented in a more organized manner. They narrow down the topics into a neat table.

FREESHOP- Business
There are many FREE offers in FreeShop's Business/Career center! Get FREE tips, newsletters, reports, software, product samples, screen savers, e-mail, gifts, AND MORE!

The FATFREE Recipe Collection
Many, many fat free recipes in many catagories. You'll even find healthier versions of your favorite ethnic foods! Most of the recipies are submited by other readers- but they can be trusted. It even has a searchable index.

Perhaps you've seen the T.V. series on the Discovery Channel (?) Well, this site allows you to search over 9,000 delicious recipies (look in the upper-right hand corner of your screen). It also includes useful cooking tips and suggestions.

Learn what's in your favorite drinks! Includes a fully searchable index of recipes. Also includes a bartender's handbook, complete with drinking games.

Whole Foods Recipe Index
Vietnamese Spring Rolls & Peanut Sauce... learn to make it! Here are some fabulous recipes to try. You can even order the ingredients fresh from their website! Check it out!

FREE Cookbooks
Get FREE cookbooks through the FREESHOP.

Diet & Nutrition
USDA Nutrient Database
Ever wonder how many calories there are in a carrot? This database contains the nutrition information for almost any food imaginable- even T.V. dinners. 

Fast Food Finder
You'll find nutrient information for fast food restaurants such as Arby's, Baskin Robbins, Boston Market, Bruegger's, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Domino's, Godfather's Pizza, Hardee's , KFC,  Leeann Chin, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Rax, Subway, Taco Bell, Taco John's, Wendy's, and White Castles. You can search for foods by their calories, fat content, fat %, cholesterol, and/or sodium content. 

Fitness & Health
Need free medical advice? Search this site for information on diseases, treatments, procedures, etc.. You'll also see a medical dictionary that will help you with those doctor's terms.

The Icemall offers FREE reports on "Growing Old Gracefully", "You Can Have Healthy Skin", "Eating for LIFE", "Walking And Weight Loss", etc...

Learn something
This is an invaluable resource for tutorials on how to do many computer applications. They have tutorials under such catagories as: applications, general programming, graphics, internet, operating systems, other, web design, and web programming.

Foreign Language for Travelers
You don't have to be a traveler to learn a different language. Be more charismatic, show your intelligence, figure out what people are saying about you.... what you don't know does hurt you.

Easy Japanese in Chicago
Learn Japanese! This site is complete with sound files, to help the phonetically challenged. Sound files download fairly quickly. It's a good site.

Here you can find hundreds of origami diagrams. Make anything from paper cranes, to cups, to dragons. Fun hobby.

Click here to go to Insider's NET FREE!FREE! page. Here you'll find a list of good site where you can search for FREE STUFF!

100s of Car Reviews
Make a wise decision on your investment! Before you buy that new or used vehicle, research it at!