Insider's N E T

All the fabulous things you hear about the internet...  RIGHT HERE

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I n s i d e r's    N E T
Don't believe what you read in those classified ads! Here are a few REAL money-making opportunities and explainations about them.
  Heard about the GREAT DEALS you can get on the net? Wondering where to get in on it? Click here to SAVE MONEY!!!
  The enormous resources of the internet give you the power to tap into whatever knowledge you seek! Screw the library! Here are some GREAT resources for students, marketers, business people, teachers, investigators,... anybody!
  Yes, you can get free, tangible things from the internet. Get free food, samples, software, magazines, shirts, etc... 


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 Insider's NET is all about harvesting the resources of the internet. You can EARN MONEY, SAVE MONEY, & BE SMARTER. Not many things can promise you that. But, at the same time the internet can rip you off and leave you butt-naked. 

  Insider's NET offers you REAL opportunties on the internet. In addition, Insider's NET will explain the programs so you won't have to waste time sorting through all the garbage you'll come accross. 

   This website is virtually GRAPHICS FREE AND PROUD, so that you can browse our pages faster. You don't need pretty pictures to know these opportunities are REAL.

   Insider's NET does not offer you rich-quick "opportunities" because we want you to keep your pants. The opportunities we do offer are genuine, but you may have to work a bit to see some REAL results (You really can earn hundreds to thousands of dollars-- but it's not as easy as they tell you).


We frequently update this site with more links and articles! It's a little empty right now since it was created not too long ago! Please bare with us!

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"Money Opportunity" SCAMS
Don't waste your money on false claims and tricky ads!

FREE Money! (Grants)
Grants aren't loans, so you never pay back anything! The grants posted on this page are for NEEDY individuals, but there are other types of grants as well. Get a 55% discont through Insider's NET on a book with over 2,700 sources! 
(Complete with instructions)

Home-made REMEDIES
Simple solutions to every-day problems that you can make in your kitchen!